Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Good Bye Day

Pittsburgh in the Rain....and by the Numbers
Day 97

Love it? ETSY Artist Here!
Time of Departure : 4:17 am
Time of Arrival: 8:30 am
Times Storm Clouds Opened Just to Return to Sun: 3
Stops for coffee: 2
Sugars in Collective Coffees: Zero
Large unrelated women seen at turnpike stops with small toy dogs: 3
Dorm Floor: Lucky 7
Number of Roommates: 1
Dimensions of Picture Window looking out on Green: Who knows but huge!
Number of times Our House by Crosby Steels and Nash was played: 2
Number of times Vivaldi Spring was Played: 3
Price of Premed and Required Course Text Books: $457.00 50% new and 50% used. Percentage chance that the sale of college textbooks is a total racket akin to running numbers call girls and numbers --100%
Number of items forgotten: 2: The bed pillow and 55 million pounds of protein powder
Number of times the words, "Okay I'm leaving now." were spoken : 3

good night,

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